Sunday, August 28, 2011

Marshfield NightWork gig 2011

Each year NightWork plays a private gig at the beach in Marshfield, Massachusetts. This year it rained but was a lot of fun. The hosts serve all of us a lobster meal.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

McMinnville High School Class of 1971 40th Reunion!

Stan and I traveled to Oregon in July for my 40th class reunion.
We spent a couple of really fun days with Cheryl and Sheldon, going out in the Nehalem River on the boat. Me with Mom on Neahkahnie Mountain above Cheryl and Sheldon's home.

Friday night everyone met down on Third Street. We stayed with Mary and Steve and had a terrific visit even though I was sick the entire time (fever, sinus infection). Here's one of the few pics we got of Stan at the reunion, photographed here with Doug and Jerri Fredricks:

Group shot of the class outside of Michelbook Country Club: