Monday, July 04, 2005

Tomatoes are in the ground

Mom's Oregonian friend who is a Massachusetts expatriot declared "no good Yankee would have tomatoes in the ground before the 4th of July." Well, I got mine in today, ON Independence Day. It took a lot of work digging out boulders and trees but once the area was cleared, my tomato plants are in.

I started these from Burpee seeds in April. I planted the whole packet! My horticulturalist sister Christy suggests holding out about half next time. Wise counsel as I surely did end up with too many plants.

Some of them are looking a bit sorry tonight, but I have about 15 tomato plants so we can tolerate some attrition.


At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gardeners Unite! That's our battle cry. You are going to have some luscious tomatoes, Cindy. I have one each of four varieties and they are 3-4 feet tall with many yellow blossoms, but spring comes much earlier to Portland in the Willamette Valley.

Last week I transplanted 1 each of three different varieties of eggplant. I have several varieties of squash, including the very productive spagetti squash which I tried for the first time last year. I recommend it!!
Horticulturalist Christy


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